| A-1 - General Agriculture |
| AIR - Airport |
| Buffer B-1 |
| Business and Transportation |
| C - Commercial |
| C-1 - General Commercial |
| C-1 - Light Commercial |
| C-2 - Corridor Commercial |
| C-2 - General Commercial |
| Central Business District |
| Central Business District Support |
| Central Community |
| College Hill Historic District |
| Environmental Conservation |
| Estate |
| B-1 General Business |
| General Business E |
| C-1: General Commercial |
| Heavy Industrial G |
| Heritage Development Zone |
| High Density Residential |
| High Intensity Commercial Zone |
| High Intensity Retail |
| IND - Industrial |
| Industrial |
| Institutional |
| Interstate Commercial IC |
| Light Industrial F |
| Limited Restriction I |
| R-1 Low Density Residential |
| R-1 E Low Density Residential Exclusive |
| M-1 - Industrial |
| M-1 - Light Industrial District |
| M-2 - Heavy Industrial District |
| Mixed Use District E-3 |
| NP - National Park |
| Neighborhood |
| Neighborhood Commercial D |
| Oak Park Historic District |
| Office |
| Office O-3 |
| Office O-5 |
| Office Transition |
| Open Space OS |
| PRRD - Planned Rural Resort District |
| Planned Commercial Unit Development E-1 |
| Planned Commercial/Light Manufacturing Unit Development E-2 |
| Planned Residential Unit Development C-1 |
| R-1 - Low Density Residential |
| R-1 - Rural District 1 |
| R-1A - Low Density Residential |
| R-2 - Medium Density Residential |
| R-2 - Medium Residential |
| R-2 - Rural District 2 |
| RAC - Rural Arterial Commercial |
| RAC2 - Rural Arterial Commercial 2 |
| Research and Development Park RDP |
| Residence A |
| Residence B |
| Residence C |
| Residential |
| R-1: Residential and Agriculture |
| S - Suburbanizing |
| Single Family Residential |
| Washington St Commercial |